Streamer is someone who recorded himself playing the game, and show it to the audience online.
Streamer is a practice that became popular in mid-2010, when it appeared on several platforms such as Twitch.
Over time, this practice began to develop into various services, such as Youtube, Facebook and others.
Streamers or Gamers Creators who record themselves while playing games are currently booming, or there have been too many.
Because someone who is able to become a Content Creator can get great benefits, one of which is being famous and earning large amounts of money.
But to be a creator is not easy, where you have to have skills and interesting ideas to keep the audience interested.
What's more, to become a game creator you must have fairly high skills, ranging from playing clever or good games, to crazy ideas that make people interested.
Usually, to become a game creator, you don't need to have high editing skills, guys, because in recording video games, you only need to pick up a few scenes that are not important.
Initially this was a hobby, but as time went on and the digital world grew, some people considered the practice to be Guys' profession.
So, that's more or less an explanation of the Streamer's practice, which maybe many people still don't know and have just entered the internet world.